
Learning outcomes Science for 1st – 7th 21-22

EVS 1st Standard

EVS 2nd Standard

Science 3rd Standard

Science 4th Standard

Science 5th Standard

Science 6th Standard

Science 7th Standard


Learning outcomes Science for 8th – 10th 21-22

8th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of biology for the year 2021-22

9th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of biology for the year 2021-22

10th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of biology for the year 2021-22

8th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Chemistry for the year 2021-22

9th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Chemistry for the year 2021-22

10th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Chemistry for the year 2021-22

8th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Physics for the year 2021-22

9th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Physics for the year 2021-22

10th Class Learning outcomes and activity plan of Physics for the year 2021-22