Parents Feedback Form

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What do Parents say about us?
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  • I am quite happy and glad that my son Vrushabh.S.Patil studies in LDCS.I am satisfied with all facilities that are been provided in the School.
    Mrs. Usha S. Patil
  • As a parent,I have had a very good experience with Love Dale School.I can say with great pride that this is one of the best schools in Belgaum.
    Mr. Akther M. IIkalwale
  • My daughter Km.M Mahima was admitted to LDCS in VI standard in the year 2010.From there it was a journey of success for her.Kudos to the efforts & attention rendered by the Principal,Teachers & even the non-teaching staff.
    Mr. K. Muralidharan
  • We are proud that our child Chi.Tanvi Mudnur is studying in LDCS.We are sure that under the staff guidance & leadership,the School shall achieve many a milestones.
    Mr & Mrs. Mudnur
  • I, Neeraj Jain,father of Rishabh Jain of class IX A,am very happy & satisfied with the facilities provided to the students,various programmes & events conducted.The teachers are doing a excellent job & i can see my child improving in studies.
    Mr.Neeraj Jain
  • At the outset please accept my heartiest congratulations on the excellent show of 'perfection' put up by teachers & students of LDCS.
    Lt. Col. C P Rajeev